"For all of us within the SET-Family it is very important to assure, that SET does not stand only for "Environmental Technologies" but also for "Environmental Protection". Top priority of our corporate philosophy is the protection of our environment and quality of life - all technologies and integrated solutions, that we propose are in accordance with this philosophy.
Therefore our commitment is always to work with alternative energies and particularly with new and innovative technologies, which leads to a higher quality of life and independence from fossil fuels and resources.
We have more than 25 years of experience in project development, consulting, and implementation. A particular highlight was the award of the "EUSEW_2014" to our innovative Biogas Project "Methapower/EVM") in Austria - this is the highest award from the European Union in this field.
Over all these years, we have been able to build and establish an international, high-level network and reliable partnerships – not only in Europe. Due to this fact we are able to offer our support to our partners, who are looking for a suitable business-partner in a certain country or region.
We are aware that our website only gives an overview and is not able to answers to all your questions. For further information or support, please feel free to contact us. All the best."
Christian MARTH
SET Sustainable Environmental Technologies GmbH