Die SET Management applied with the Project "MethaPOWER/EVM - Innovative Biogas Solution".
This Project were over 4 years developed and finally realized as the most innovative and largest biogas-plant in Austria.
Actually a 3_MWel Biogas plant is in Operation: producing electricity, heat for own usage and supplying the local house-holds in the municipality and also commercial use - actually a large (approx 10 ha) "green-house" could be established direct near the biogas-plant, supplied with heat and CO2. After realizing the membrane based up-grading solution, bio-methane could feed into the grid. The own Bio-methane CNG-fuel Station is already since 2008 in operation.
The usage of organic waste, agricultural residues, manure and maize straw as main materials, is showing that Biogas plants can be survive without valuable maize as main material, which should be used for food.
Film of "Puls4" TV Channel, Austria:
International SET Biogas Partner and Friends
OFFICIAL FILM of the EU Comission:
Film of "ORF2" - TV Channel Austria: