"Since the establishment of our presence in southern and western African countries in 2009, our aim has been very simple:
Africa has huge potentials of green energy. And the climatic condition of the area makes it easy to actualize those various forms of
green energy.
About seventy percent of African countries still cannot supply the average consumption based on the population of the country. In order
words, the access to electricity and quality source of drinking water remains a huge challenge. We make use of the abundant natural resources in these regions to solve their energy
Waste Management solutions, Biogas technology, small scale hydropower and photovoltaic has been used in various capacities to improve the energy
supply and chain labour creation for the citizens. We operate in principle with Kyoto protocol.
All resources are given - we only have to bring knowledge and project development support to realizing these kind of projects."
Dipl.-Ing. Emmanuel K. ONYEGBULA
SET Managing Partner