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National and international delegations and visitors 

Quelle: Pixabay
Quelle: Pixabay


To establish innovative technologies in our Biogas plant was an important step. The main issue is the further development and to show and/or demonstrate to other interested visitors, like public administrative staff, responsibility politicians, consultants and other operators our technologies and long-term expertise. Especially in agricultural and waste management fields we are able to supply projects with our knowledge.

Banja Luka/Bosnien_Herzegowina / Rep. Srpske

Minister of Economic, Mr Klokic (RS), Mr Racic, Chamber of Commerce Bankja Luka (RS), Mr Marth (SET), the President of  and RS Representant in Austria, Mr Filipovic visiting Biogans Plant Margarethen.

Drobeta TS / Romania

Drobeta Tunu Severin is a Municipality  in West-Romnaia with around 100.000 inhabitants. Representatitivs of the city were visiting EVM.


Biogas Partner/Italy

Mr Marth in discussion with the President of the Italian Biogas Association (CIB), Piero Gattoni  and with the owner IES Biogas, Mr. Mazzero. 

FUNNY Biogas Operators/Italy

Nearly 20 Italian Biogas plant owner and operator visited invited by Mr Marth SET_EVM Biogas purification plant. Till know they are Friends and Business partners - BUT only the picture was not so easy to get. .. 

ALIMONTI Flour Producer/Italy

Alimonti Family was in Middle/South Italy the biggerst flour (farina) Producer. Many other products were also sold by Alimonti Group. The owner and CEO  Leonardo Alimonti became a really good friend.  He passed away unexpectedly - we are still sad and missing him heavily.

Stadtwerke AUGSBURG/Germany

Municipality Augsburg (GERM) public utilities company developed their waste management strategy and built in addition to the waste incineration plant a Biogas plant (Thöni) and a Biogas Purification plant (MethaPower/PentAir). The opening event was held in 2014_January.