Practical Experience and Know-How developed since 2007

SET gained since 2007 of practical experience and is able to offer a wide range of consultancies and technologies.


With cooperating experts from different fields and academic institut-ions SET can guarantee a con-tinously development of all  proposed technologies and services.


Finally the realization of several projects - especially in the field of Waste to Energy, Biogas, Bio-fuel  - brings SET in the position to act world wide on this high level. 


Focus is to help in project developing, to transfer know-how, create jobs and increase live standard.

SET offers a range of Technologies and Know-how

Source: Planisware (C)  Projektplanning
Source: Planisware (C) Projektplanning



SET offers pre-feasibility and technical and economic feasibility studies to get the necessary, serious base and overview to each project and technology.


SET is offering all these pre-works with capex/opex and (P&L/Cash-flow) to establish a conservative and bankable  business model.


SET is also offering support in getting co-financed through several institutions, public and private money. 

SET and Partners: SERVICES

Waste Management

Packing & Advanced Recycling

Waste to Energy 

"Multitalent" Biogas 

Biofuel & Innovative Products

Project Structuring

Financing, Realization & Operation

Energy Storage Systems - ESS

Grid Empowering

E-Mobility - Charging Solutions

Solar / Photovoltaic Solutions and Projects

Hydro Power & Fish Migration Solutions

Asset Management & Invest

CO2 Reduction and CO2 Certificate Trade 

H2 Production and Storage 

Construction: Innovative Housing Solutions & Products

Management and Consultancy Services